...to bring you the Pope.
This is from Pope Benedict XVI's opening talk at the Synod on the Word of God, now taking place in Rome.
At the end, we return to a preceding verse: "Tuus sum ego:salvum me fac". This translates as: "I am yours". The Word of God is like a stairway that we can go up and, with Christ, even descend into the depths of His love. It is a stairway to reach the Word in the words. "I am yours". The word has a face, it is a person, Christ. Before we can say "I am yours", He has already told us "I am yours". The Letter to the Hebrews, quoting Psalm 39, says: "You gave me a body… Then I said, ‘Here I am, I am coming’". The Lord prepared a body to come. With His incarnation He said: I am yours. And in baptism He said to me: I am yours. In the Holy Eucharist, He always repeats this: I am yours, so that we may answer: Lord, I am yours. In the path of the Word, entering the mystery of his incarnation, of His being among us, we wish to appropriate His being, expropriate our existence, giving ourselves to Him, He who gave Himself to us.
"I am yours". Let us pray the Lord that we may learn to say this word with our whole being. That way we will be in the heart of the Word. That way we will be saved.
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